My poems
Poems I’ve written:
Drape all the Mirrors, a poem for my Aunt, Julia Carroll
In the Cave of Sister Mary Kevin, Ursaline
Outside My Window
Pilgrim’s Progress
A Riff on “The Impossible Dream,”
This One Precious Human Life
Why Did Bodhidharma Kick Up His Heels?
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Poems I've translated:
Blessing the Boats (at St. Mary's) by Lucille Clifton
Pluvia Purpura, by Prince
Drape all the Mirrors, a poem for my Aunt, Julia Carroll
In the Cave of Sister Mary Kevin, Ursaline
Outside My Window
Pilgrim’s Progress
A Riff on “The Impossible Dream,”
This One Precious Human Life
Why Did Bodhidharma Kick Up His Heels?
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Poems I've translated:
Blessing the Boats (at St. Mary's) by Lucille Clifton
Pluvia Purpura, by Prince